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Violin exam pieces available as Interactive Sheet Music on Tomplay

young girl plays violin
1 minute read time

What is Tomplay? 

Tomplay is in an Interactive Sheet Music platform that offers all musicians the possibility to play their instrument along with recordings to create immersive concert experiences for learners. The Tomplay app is used in over 100 countries and is available for PC/Mac, as well as phones and tablets.  


Transform your practice 

Our violin scores automatically scroll on screen in synchronisation with official ARBSM piano recordings to prepare you for performing with accompaniment.  

Additional features include the ability to: 

- Annotate scores to ensure your personalised tips aren’t forgotten 

- Record yourself to review progress 

- Adjust the tempo to help achieve an accurate, fluent performance 

- And more! 

Students will be able to use the digital scores in their ABRSM exams (Performance Grade exam candidates will also be able to use the app to play along to a recorded backing track). In preparation for the exam, the Tomplay platform enables them to collaborate remotely with their teachers. It will also give them access to a further 60,000 pieces of music beyond those from the ABRSM violin syllabus.  

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