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Online Music Theory exam platform updates

piano teacher
2 minutes read time

From 3 April 2024, there will be some changes to the platform that candidates use to take online Music Theory exams at Grades 1 to 5.  

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These changes will only affect the pre-exam set up. There are no changes to the exam itself or any other aspects of booking or taking the exam.  

What’s changing? 

Platform name and design – the new platform will look different and has a new name: PSI Bridge instead of RPNow. 

Candidate photo ID – there will be two choices for showing ID. You can take a photo of your ID using the camera on your computer.  Or you can take the photo using your phone and upload this using the QR code on the screen. 

Room scan – this will have four separate parts, making it easier to do the scan correctly. 

Choice of language for the pre-exam set up – choose from English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, European Spanish, Italian and more. 

What’s staying the same? 

- Booking, payment and accessing the exam 

- The exam itself, including the syllabus, questions and format  

- Exam translations 

- Technical help during the exam from the PSI customer support team

- Specific needs provision – candidates using a paper exam will continue to use the current RPNow platform and our Specific Needs team will provide full instructions. 

Pre-exam checklist 

Candidates planning to take an exam from 3 April onwards can use the checklist below, which includes an updated system check and a new video. For exams before 3 April, please continue to use our current Music Theory Guidance page.  

1. Run a system check – exams from 3 April 

You will need a laptop or desktop computer with webcam facility and internet access. For details see the PSI Bridge technical requirements. It is not possible to take the exam on a tablet, mobile phone or Chromebook.  

Check that your laptop or computer is compatible with the exam software by carrying out the PSI Bridge system check (link below). We recommend using Google Chrome for this. PSI Bridge system check 

2. Watch our short video on starting the exam – exams from 3 April  


3. Take a free practice exam  

There are no changes to our practice resources, which provide a great way for candidates to get ready for their exam. Practice resources   

4.  Be ready with candidate ID, pen and paper 

Before starting the exam, make sure the candidate has valid photo ID, such as a passport or a completed Candidate ID Form for Music Theory, available from our website. Also have some blank paper (plain or manuscript) and a pen or pencil for working out answers. 

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